Monday, June 23, 2014

Meet the Chickens

I never thought I'd be the kind of person who would have chickens, but then again I never thought I'd do any sort of DIY stuff either. For example, I make my own laundry detergent and cleaning products, I try and steer clear of any chemical/artificial/ or processed foods and products. I used to just throw stuff into my shopping cart and never read any labels, now I can't buy anything without reading the whole box. No, I'm not perfect, I buy "bad stuff" and eat "bad food" sometimes. I just try to keep it all in moderation. You're not gonna have any fun if you're super strict.

So for my farely new passion of homesteading and making myself completely domesticated, I got some chickens. I have a love hate relationship with these chickens. We got these guys in late September of 2013 and they didn't lay eggs for months...there's some hate. 

Welcome home chickens

Then we decided to let them free range around the yard and BAM, more eggs than we knew what to do with.  Turns out they found something outside the coop that helped in egg production...there's the love. 

Who doesn't like farm fresh eggs, daily???

These chickens have become part of the family.  My son, Ollie and our 3 dogs are obsessed over these birds. The chore of feeding and caring for the chickens has become a favorite.  

Turns out, I love chickens. I really enjoy feeding and caring for them. We've even named our 9 chickens,  so we are 100 percent attached now. I mean, pets that give you food is pretty cool. At least they're earning their keep.   Although, it's not always a perfect relationship. They do tend to get annoying at times, taking over the yard and scratching up everything, pooping on your front steps, driving the dogs crazy with temptations of getting a chicken feast and begging for food. My chickens beg for food, it's crazy, they sit right outside the front porch and wait for you to come out and then they swarm you until you cave and throw some feed at them. Geeez, maybe they're spoiled. I don't know.  One thing I do know is, my little chicken coop makes me and my family happy. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

DIY Pallet Garden

For this years growing season I decided to do a pallet garden.  I love the idea of a self sustaining lifestyle, but I do run a household currently consisting of a 2.5 year old toddler, a hard working husband, 3 dogs and 9 chickens.  So, sometimes quick conveniences win over the more self sufficient homestead choice.  I like to think my little vegetable garden is a step in the right direction in trying to achieve some amount of sustainability. 

Here's how to create your own little piece of sustainability...

First, pick out some pallets

Then you gotta cover up the ends

Next you need to wrap the bottom of your pallet in landscaping wrap or burlap. This holds the soil in and allows for drainage 

I choose burlap 

Placing them in the ground. We just dug out enough dirt so we could make the pallets level. 

Then ya fill em up with dirt. I just used an all purpose potting soil

And plant your veggies

I planted Swiss Chard, Kale, Squash, and Cucumber. I've already got some Garlic, Basil and Cilantro growing. I'm hoping to add a variety of lettuces next. 

Grow Veggies, Grow!