More and more berries ripen each day. I love this time of year, because it's fun to check on how bountiful your berry harvest will be this summer. However, the blueberries always seem to take longer than the blackberries.
We definitely have a few more blackberries blooming than the blueberry bushes at the moment, but by the end of August the blueberry bushes will have caught up and beat out the blackberries.
I love these wild flowers that just popped up in our blackberry thicket. I have no idea what they are, but this picture doesn't do it's brilliant red color justice. They're gorgeous!
The hubs searching and picking out the best blackberries. I guess we should try to cut back and thin out our blackberry thicket. It's starting to get a little out of control and overrun with some briars and weeds. Also, if we cut it back we'll yield a bigger crop next year.
We didn't get much on our first pick, but that will change very soon. That little bowl will turn into gallon freezer bags full of berries. I can't wait to start making jam. I love a good blueberry or blackberry jam. For now I'm just putting the berries in smoothies, pancakes or just munching on them for a quick snack. So check back later this summer when I'll be making jam and other berry favorites with my insane amount of harvested berries!
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